We get a lot of questions at MathTree, but we find these to be the most common. If you have questions, please contact us.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many campers are in each group?
The limit for the number of campers at MathTree in-person camps is limited for the Summer of 2021. Most camp locations will be limited to 6 – 8 campers per age group. For Summer 2021, we have tight restrictions on the number of campers to help keep contacts down and to keep our staff and campers safe.
Our on-line camps have a limit of 10 – 12 campers, depending on the age group. Our goal is to provide for the learning needs of each camper. By keeping our groups small we are able to more effectively individualize instruction.
What precautions are being added for your in-person camps this summer?
MathTree will be following all protocols recommended by the CDC and local health departments to keep campers and staff safe. We are also working closely with each of our host locations to train all staff and to keep facilities clean. All students and staff will be required to wear masks while at camp, if that is the recommendation of the CDC at the time of camp. All classrooms will have sanitizer and cleaning supplies available. Campers will be given individual supplies and workspaces.
How long is camp?
For Summer of 2021, MathTree in-persons camps are full-day, 1-week (Monday – Friday, 9 AM – 3 PM) camps. This schedule allows for campers to have time access to all of the MathTree curriculum for their level.
Our on-line camps will be 2-week camps with live instruction for 50 minutes, Monday – Friday. Short independent assignments will be given each day with feedback provided by our trained instructors.
Is your camp for kids who struggle with math or kids who love math?
Yes to both. Because we maintain a low teacher to camper ratio, we are able to accommodate the needs of students, whether they be to fill in the gaps of understanding or to grow and stretch math skills.
Are you strict about ages and grade levels?
No. Our age brackets are to be used as a guide for parents—a place to start in the camp selection process. We are most concerned that the needs of each camper are met. If you have questions about your child’s placement, please contact us directly. Proper placement is essential to learning and fun!
Can we just sign up for Hands-On Math?
Because our Hands-On Math program is built for campers to share ideas and supplies as they learn, MathTree Hands-On Math will not be offered for Summer 2021.
What is CampMinder?
Since 2001 CampMinder has provided a safe and secure online environment for families to register their children for camp. CampMinder’s goal is to provide a user-friendly and secure site for families to store their child’s information, complete forms, and make payments for camp. Our partnership with CampMinder streamlines the registration process and offers the most secure environment to protect your information.