School is tough this time of year. The curriculum becomes tougher. Snow days cut into instructional days. Teachers speed up and compress content to squeeze it all in before the next snow day. All this mixes together to create more stress for everyone involved. What’s a parent to do? When you are tired and your child is too, how do you help them through homework or studying for a test? Here are some “tricks” our family used to keep everyone moving forward:
- Go somewhere. The library (or even a restaurant) can be great place to bring purpose and focus to the study time. It gives a start and stop time to the study session so your child is more likely to stay on task. Another advantage is that most children whine less in public places.:)
- Prioritize assignments. Write down the list of assignments. Help your child prioritize what needs to be accomplished. Try not to interfere with setting priorities. Allowing your child to be involved in the goal setting will help them take ownership of the goal/task at hand.
- Take breaks. Do some jumping jacks together. Toss a ball back and forth. Do something that gets you moving and has the potential of bringing on a few smiles!
- Stop. If it’s late just stop. Ask yourself, “Is completing this assignment really worth the (fill-in-the-blank) that it’s causing?” It is very easy to let school and work have the very best part of us, leaving very little to give to the people we love the most. So, sometimes you just need to stop. Have a little bowl of popcorn. Enjoy each other’s company.